Friday, May 9, 2008

a different sense of similarity

i was sitting in a mall when two kids caught my attention. they were playing a mindless game of jumping all around the place for no apparent reason. these two kids had many "differences", as it is called in the adult world. they were of opposite sexes, and they were of different races. the boy was indian and the girl was from phillipines. they seemed oblivious to this fact and were busy in their self made game. they probably knew everything that is needed to know in order to survive on this earth happily. nothing.
the fact that they knew nothing, understood nothing and cared for nothing, probably was the reason for their complete enjoyment. there was nothing to discriminate them or trouble them. at the end of their little play, they parted ways, with 'byes', 'see yous' and the like. they then turned to their different directions and continued with their respective lives. not turning back and looking at each other or bothering where the other went. this is probably the perspective adults should take up. maybe we should all stop prying into each other's lives. they didn't and i am assuring you that they both slept through the night comfortably, unlike most of us. we all worry about what the other is doing at the particular time or why someone said what they did, and whether they really meant it or not.
those children needed each other at that particular moment and not after that. and they realised this fact and lived up to it. i am not saying that we must use each other and leave. i am only trying to stress the fact that sometimes, in life, we must take things as they are and stop looking for deeper, unintended meanings. this probably might be our anti-stress capsule.
or maybe it won't be. i wouldn't know. because, if i did, i wouldn't be here writing this. i'd be in some happy place enjoying my life, not looking for companionship from a goddamn computer screen. right?


The Mango Nation said...


Unknown said...

hehe.. thanks for agreeing.. :-(.